Starmass is an independent full-service China market study consulting firm in China, we are capable of conducting high quality customized market study covering all major cities in China. With our experience of over 580 market studies, we are also able to provide valuable market information with in-depth analysis. These will narrow the gap between what you know and what you don’t know, and leverage your investment.

Some typical studies that we have conducted include industry study, product study, study on distribution channels, competitor study, customer / consumer study and study on investment. Our study can be the foundation of successful business in Chinese market and reduce your risks substantially when entering into the Chinese market and doing business in China. Below is the illustration of typical China market study we conducted:

China market research, China market study

China Market Study – Market Research in China
Industry study

Through in-depth analysis of an industry’s scale, chain, competitors and other comprehensive economic information, we are able to provide our clients with important information for decision making, this may include market size and growth; market demand; PEST analysis; analysis of industry trends; appraisal of industry chain; assessment of industrial potentiality, business database and even more.

Product study

Product study is an important step in minimizing the risk that a company may encounter in China market. With our China market study service on products, the details can include study on market size; analysis of market demand, market supply; market segmentation characteristics; analysis of product market prices; SWOT analysis, and product marketability and potentiality etc.

Competitor study

As written in the Sun Tzu’s art of war: if you know your enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt. Above all, to enter into a market without knowing the competitors will be dangerous. Our competitor’s study can enable you have in-depth understanding of your competitors in Chinese market, which may include identification of major market competitors; competitor market share and position; competitors’ sales channels; target market and marketing strategy; and competitors’ advantages and disadvantages and even more.

Consumer study

To enter the Chinese market means your products must be accepted by the customers, therefore, it is important to understand who your customers are and their needs. Our customer study may include who and where your customers are based; customers’ needs and expectations; study on customers’ purchasing process; and identification of major customers etc.

Study on distribution channel

Researching the distribution channel is one of the essential steps to enter into the Chinese market or expand business in China. These information will help our clients to assess possible sales channel and market entry strategy.  Consequently, this may include analysis of possible sales channels, analysis of potential risks, recommendation of potential risk control, and screening of distribution partners etc.

We offer our clients with a wide range of customized consulting service of China market study. Contact us now! to get more details, we will get back to you in hours NOT days!